Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spending Money

Sitting at the desk again so I thought this would be a good time to blog quick.

Nothing too much new in our area of the world.

Yesterday the stars aligned and we bought a new tv. It was a really good deal and I think Sony is trying to phase out their 42" tvs. So we bought one. Eric is one happy dude and is VERY excited for the Superbowl this afternoon. I had picked up some 3-D glasses to view the commercial that is happening right before halftime. I was super excited about them when I got home. Who wouldn't be! Eric pointed out that I was more excited about the FREE 3-D glasses than the fact that we just bought a new tv. Huh... I guess I am easily entertained. Not always a bad thing.

Eli continues to grow and get more entertaining daily. I enjoy being a mother more daily. I feel really blessed by what God has given us. I wouldn't change my life for anything.

Still working on getting on track with the weight thing. Last week I gained... how sad! But this week I am loosing it and I feel better about weighing in on Monday. It's just a little more difficult because I know I need to eat a certain amount because I'm breastfeeding. I am also still trying to figure out how to get exercise in. The Dance Dance Revolution idea isn't working so well. I started doing Pilates now. 30 minutes really works and I can feel it. I figure it will also help me to reshape my abs and get my posture back.. or maybe get good posture for the first time.

My friend K came over last night. It was really good to see her for a little bit and catch-up. She is really struggling with something in her life right now and it was good to just listen for a while. I pray for her and hope that everything works out. It always sucks when the carpet gets pulled out from underneath you. Eric brought Sushi home and the three of us enjoyed it throughly. It was just good to hang out and catch up again. I just love having people over at our place.

Otherwise I am just enjoying the weekend and enjoying Eric being home. It's always good to hang out.

Peace Out till next time.

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