Sunday, September 21, 2008

Life Struggles


I need some....

Yesterday I woke up sick so I decided just to sleep most of the day, after an afternoon walk. Well it worked for the most part and I feel a ton better. My sour throat is gone and all that is left is some sinus stuff. But livable none the less!

Today I have decided is school work day. Deciding and doing are two totally different things. I dropped the boys off at the Vikings game. They were able to get really cheap tickets late last night and I found out this morning that their plan for getting down there was me. I don't care because it saves money with parking and stuff and traffic wasn't too bad. That and we really aren't that far away from the dome.

So now I try to find motivation.... maybe it's hiding out on the couch.. under a blanket. Maybe it's in my dreams and I should go looking there. Or maybe I should stop making excuses and just do it.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Ah, you're singing my song sweetheart. I should have ran this morning. Did I? Nope. I went to church and then decided I should clean my house before I have to head up your way to meet with keith again (I love training season). Have I cleaned my house? Not kitchen is cleaner and I can see my bathroom counter again, but the rest of my apartment? not so much. *sigh* Maybe tomorrow night. Good luck to you.