Friday, January 23, 2009

Eli is 2 months already!

If you have read Wed. post I would like to let you all know that I did get a little nap it AND I accomplished everything on my "to do" list. I love those days!

Yesterday Eli had his 2 month shots. He did really well and just cried when she started. I think it took him a few seconds to realize what was going on. Overall he didn't freak out too much. We have been giving him infant Tylenol and that seems to be helping too. He is now:
11.11 lbs (55 percentile for his age)
21.5 inches long (10 percentile for his age but the doctor said he will catch up, I'm not too worried about it yet.)

I was able to get the car cleaned quickly yesterday too since it was so nice outside. It was good to get all that salt off the car and see it sparkle again. Eli was crying before we went into the car wash but once we were in there he really seemed to like all the noises and the brushes going over the car. It will be fun to go through a car wash as he gets older.

It's finally Friday! I'm kind of excited about that. Not that I have any big weekend plans but it's just nice to have Eric home all day and to spend time with him too. I am also done with my bible study for my Gen to Rev class. I am homework free again for another couple of weeks. I am working on reading the book "The Shack." So far so good. REALLY sad but good. I will let you know what I think at the end. I honestly have so many books on my list that I want to read. Some day!

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