Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I was just looking at my calender and I think that this is last weekend that I sort of have any time for myself. This Friday is defiantly a clean the house day. It hasn't had a GOOD cleaning in a long time and really needs it. Saturday family is going to be here, which will be nice but not any alone time. Then Sunday we are celebrating Easter on the Goldammer side. Defiantly not any alone time. Next week is the week before Holy Week, enough side. Next weekend I am heading out to the Rosebud Reservation with the church, Sat - Sun. And then it's Holy Week. Ufda!

The Summer is going to be here before we know it! Which is a good thing but it feels like there is a lot of work that needs to get done before then.

I think I have just decided that sometimes it is better to just take it a day at a time. To look at everything that needs to happen in even a weeks time can be overwhelming.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Yes it can. It's good to plan ahead and have an idea of what's in store but if you get too much data it can be overwhelming and your head will blow. I know...it's happened to me. :)