Why is it that when I sit in the chair at the infodesk... pull it up to the desk and get ready for a good morning of surfing the internet... I feel the need to put my seat belt on? Figure that one out!
This morning was a pretty productive morning. I woke up at 5:30am. Showered quick. Eli woke up around 6 to eat. I fed him and got him back down by 6:30. Finished getting ready and was out the door by 7:15am. I even had chance to shovel some cereal in this morning. I left the house with two boys each sleeping in their own beds. Most of the time I leave them sleeping in the chair. I hope Eric was able to get some sleep in before the little one woke.
Today I have a lot to get done and of course have a list:
1. Finish Bible Study
2. Come up to campus to print off
3. Buy stamps for us and for the infodesk
4. Mail letters
5. Call Fairview
6. Call insurance company... they finally got Eli's insurance cards to me but they spelled our last name wrong. Grrrr!! I feel like I need to do everyone's job for them!
7. Fax Eli's insurance info to different doctor's offices
I think that's it. Somewhere in there I would LOVE to take a nap! We will see if that happens.
Oh yeah and update on the weight loss thing. I did pretty good this week. I lost 2.5 lbs. Not bad. I'm tryting to figure out how much I need to eat because I'm breastfeeding but also not trying to over eat. I figure with the breastfeeding thing this will be the easiest time for me to loose weight since it allows me to eat more. It's kind of nice to keep track and to know that I am loosing the weight and it helps me to feel better in the midst of still not fitting into my jeans yet.
You're a rockstar. You make lists! YAY!
So a funny moment, which I totally forgot to tell you yesterday. I got to the Guthrie Sunday night, shimmied into my spot, sat down, and reached for my seatbelt. Not just the waist one, but the over the shoulder one. I caught myself and pretended to scratch my shoulder but I just started laughing at myself.
You're not alone. ;)
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