Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mrs Jackle and Hyde ?

A quick blog for this Wed morning. 

First a little note:  I DON'T HAVE TO TEACH CONFIRMATION TONIGHT!!!!  Don't get me wrong I love the kids and I do really like confirmation, BUT with that being said, it feels really good to have a Wed off from responsibilities!  AND to spend with the fam. 

So on to my thought for the day.

I have been thinking a lot about our trip up to the Cities.  It really felt like going home.  As we drove into town it felt as if we never left and that we were going to drive to the apartments, walk up the stairs, and be home.

I found that I missed the Cities more than I realized and would love to just hang out in Uptown, watch the people, and just be trendy.  I miss the culture.  The fact that you can be just about anyone and fit in.  I miss family and all of the things to do.  I even miss the traffic (gasp). 

But then there is that otherside of me ....

The side that loves the country.  I love that everyday that I take the kids to daycare I get to drive on gravel road for about 3 blocks.  Makes me feel a little bit more country.  I love that I can drive 3 blocks and be out of town.  The stars are so much brighter.  Life is simpler.  I know the doctors and they know me.  I know everyone who owns and works uptown and they all know me.  In some ways that makes like simpler. 

I could go on and on about the things I don't like about both.  I could go on and on about the frustrations that come and have come with both settings. 

I think the question that I am really asking is:  What do I really want?  And where is God calling me to be?  What is good for me and most importantly my family? 

These questions I will struggle with for a few months, maybe more.  These two questions need to be resolved and I don't have any of the answers yet.  As I shake my magic eight ball and look for answers, 8 words come to mind.  "Be Still And Know That I am God." 

....... Wish I was better at being still   :) 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Anyone out there?!?!?!

I have this WHOLE week off!!!  AND I have so many things on my to do list.  One of which is to blog 3 times this week.  We will see how this goes.

This last weekend we went up to the Cities.  Kind of as a family vacation and so Eric could go to the Vikings game.  It was amazing to home much I miss the Cities.  I didn't think I would ever say that but it was like going home.  So much going on, so much to do, family, traffic (yes even the traffic), just a few things that I miss. 

Sunday afternoon I took Eli and Emma over to the Children's Museum while Eric was a the game.  We had a rocking good time but I could have gotten the worst mother of the year award.  We were in the toddler/baby room and I turned around for 2 seconds and Eli slipped out the door, or someone let him out.. grrr...  But I turned around and couldn't see him anymore.  I finally found him in one of the other rooms playing with some water, so typical Eli to go find some form of water to play in.  I just about crapped my pants thinking he ran off or someone took him.  At about that time I decided it was lunch time and nap time.  So we left.  Regardless of that little incident, I would call the morning a success.

On our way home Monday we stopped at the Albertville Mall and have most of our Christmas shopping done.  Feels REALLY good to be almost done.  We had such a good time and only a few meltdowns... on and the kids only had a few meltdowns too.  :) 

So that was the start of my "week off".  I have so much to do and it's almost 2:30pm.  I feel a little guilty by taking the kids to daycare while I sit at home and blog but not guilty enough.  We bought a really nice chest, that we can also sit on, to put our shoes in by the door.  I put that together this morning.  I unpacked from this weekend.  Collected, sorted, and am doing laundry... which for those of you with children know how that is a job in and of itself.  I haven't gotten to folding yet.  I have started cleaning.... UGH!  And at 5 I need to go pick up the kids.... wish I could add a couple of hours to my day. 

Eric challenged me to relax, take a nap, read, and not do anything on my vacation.  HAHAHAHA... he is so funny!  I was planning on doing that this afternoon but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.  I have too much to do and would rather get all of it done so I can sit in a clean house and relax and not think about all the stuff that needs to get done.  Hopefully by Friday I can relax.... or I will have to clean again by than.  Tomorrow isn't looking good for relaxing because I have an eye appointment in GF. 

So here's to mental health weeks! 

Thursday, October 28, 2010


.... or at least going to work on posting more.

Sorry I took such a long sabbatical.  Oh how I have missed you blog world!  And oh how life has changed.

Not too many good thoughts coming my way this afternoon.  I had a funeral this morning and I think it took all of my brain cells.

My goal for November is to post at least three times a week.

So... more to come!