This morning at 8:30am --- prime getting the kids dressed, fed, and out the door to daycare time --- a call came into my cell phone that I didn't recognize. It was a really weird area code too. I decided I should probably answer it.
"This is Sarah," I say.
"Yes Sarah, can I talk with your husband who is a Pastor," says the voice on the other end.
Taken back I say, "This is the Pastor."
He sounded like he had never heard of a female Pastor. Like I was some new kind of phenomenon. He was trying to sell this bible on audio thing but was more interested in the fact that I was a female Pastor.
Most days I forget that a female Pastor isn't that common.... or I should say, many people haven't caught up to the actuality of female Pastors. At seminary, and the conference I am currently in, we are half male and half female. It's funny how it takes the church, and people in the church, many years to catch up to actual life and the reality around them.
Why is it that the church feels so behind the rest of the world? Why do we spend so much time fighting and worrying about the carpet, front doors, the kitchen, all the details, and don't get that passionate about the actual mission of the Word!?!?!
I think that's why young people aren't coming to church... or at least part of the reason. If that is all the church is about, who wants to be a part of that?
Are we relevant to todays families? Do we make going to church important to everyday life. Do I feed people on a Sunday morning? How can I do that better? How can WE do that better?
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