Monday, March 14, 2011

Children's Sermon = Funny

This Sunday I had one of those children sermon moments.... One of those children sermons that leaves those unfortunate parents cringing at their child's comments... One of those children sermon moments that is just plain old hilarious!

So... the Old Testament text was about Adam and Eve.

I started out the message talking about plants.. and how some plants can be harmful to you if you eat them.  And how in the garden of eden God told Adam and Eve that the one tree would hurt them if the ate it.  They learned about the story of Adam and Eve in Sunday School, so I asked them what happened....

"They ate the apple!" some of them said.
"Yup, you are right.  They at the apple,"  I replied back.

Then, before I could ask another question one little boy says very loud, "AND then what happened next is my FAVORITE PART!!!!  They were NAKED!"

It was awesome!  Poor parents... but sooooo funny!   Extremely hard to come back from that one as the Pastor, but totally worth it.

On a side note, we lived through our first round of the stomach flu at the Goldammer household.  Not the worst thing in the world, but glad we are done.  I am always thankful that I don't know about those days in advance. It's much easier to live through it while it is happening and look back and say, wow I'm glad we don't have to do that again anytime soon!

Also.... things are a changing... I feel the winds of change in the air..... Stay tuned ..............

1 comment:

rachel said...

now that song is stuck in my head...