Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day

Today was my first day at "work." I'm still trying to find the ground under my feet. I moved my books and stuff into my office. In our little apartment I have so many books but now that they are in office I don't think I have any. What a weird feeling. We went to the nursing home for afternoon service which we are only responsible for every other month. Talked with the pastor a lot about what I think I want to do. We have decided that I will be responsible for 9th grade confirmation. We stopped by the high school and met some of the staff and saw the school. It's been a good day. Overwhelming and underwhelming all at the same time. It's hard not really knowing what exactly I am suppose to be doing. It's hard to continually ask questions and want things to do when I know that Pastor Mark is just so busy and needs time of his own to get things done. But it will come and I will find my place.

It's a different kind of job that is for sure. I think I'm going to like it.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Can I take confirmation with you? I don't remember anything from my class.

You'll find your niche...it'll take a bit but soon you'll be running the joint, showing people where the bathroom is and how to find the sanctuary. You'll be great!