Thursday, November 1, 2007

Life Struggles

Today I'm struggling with people, relationships, helping people, leading people, how you help and not hinder. What if someone doesn't really want to be helped? When do you give up? When is it time to let go? When is it time to keep fighting for that person, or people in general.

I guess part of this is about friendships in my own life, and part of this is about being in the ministry. It's hard to guide and lead people when they really don't want to be lead. Or they can't see it for themselves. We are stuborn people. Very, very stuborn. Me included.

How far do you, or are you even able to enter into peoples lives? How far should you safely enter without getting sucked in yourself? Where is the line? Where is my black and white world where there is a yes or no answer. Can I just contiune to circle C because I'm guessing that it's my best choice?

Why is life so complicated at times. And at other times I feel like I have it all figured out. Why are relationships so messy and yet the most meaningful thing that we will ever share with another person. Family, friendships, and marriages.

When is it time to let some frienships go. Not that they are bad or you are bad but you have grown apart and that is okay. You will still see them on occasion, you keep them in your prayers, but life has pulled you in a different direction and that's okay.

I want my burning bush. I want God to tell me the correct answers and not in parrable form. I want a step by step direction book of how to handle every situation.

This business of loving our neighbor is so complicated. Couldn't Jesus have picked an easier commandment?!?!


~moe~ said...

I'm hugging you from here.

I've been right where you are - probably slightly different in situation. And the truth is the burning bush won't give you the answers, the answers come in the silence.

Breaking up is hard to do, so sayeth Neil Sedaka. And it's true whether it's a dating-relationship or just friend-relationship. If you feel the relationship isn't healthy for you and that you have grown apart, be honest with yourself and state that to you first and the other second. They may be feeling the same way but aren't sure where you are.

There's nothing wrong with breaking up. Sometimes people just grow apart. I had this happen to me 2 years ago. I talked about it with 2 other friends and they actually agreed that the relationship was a negative thing on me. And as soon as I broke it off (though I did it badly) I was happier, I was a better person and I hope the other person was too.

Like you said, I do keep her in my prayers but to be as close of friends as we once were, it just wouldn't work. And that's an okay thing.

If you want to talk things out or just need an ear...give me a call. I'm free tomorrow night.

You're in my prayers sweetie. Breathe deep and listen to the silence.

Megan's Blog said...

Guess what I finally found in the mess that is my bedroom. I'm sending it out today so you should get it in the next day or two. Much Love!!!