Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The hoops

A little frustrated today with the hoops. I've been trying to sign up for an online class for about a month. Little did I know that it would take this much work and take this long. I found out that I had to get an ok from the CLI office and my intern supervisor. I had the ok from Mark already so I emailed my contact person at the CLI office. Well then I found out that I had to go to the head of the CLI office, still not a problem. So Mark emailed him and said it was ok with him that I took a class. Mark heard back from the head of the office, not about anything to do with the email at hand, but all about who he knew in the congregation..... so had no idea what was going on. grrr....

Waited for some time of confirmation from some place, assuming someone has passed on that it was okay...

waited some more.....

Finally emailed the head of the CLI office yesterday to ask if I could take the class, if he had let anyone know. Any sign of what I was suppose to do next.

Got a vague email back that, yes you can take the class, and that was it.

So I forwarded the email to the registrar and asked what other hoops I needed to jump through.
I received an email today saying that the class is full and that online classes fill up fast. AAAAHHHHH!!! Of course there is nothing I could have done about it because everyone else is slow. This is why I don't like relying on others to do things because they don't understand the need to do something about anything in a timely manner.

So I emailed the professor about allowing me into the class. Tried not to put anyone down about not getting things in on time but also tried to let him know the reason why I didn't sign up earlier wasn't for a lack of trying on my part.

Why does something as simple as a class have to be so complicated.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Because LS is stupid at times.