Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Oh how I love it. I love to put it in my handy dandy, keep it warm for at least 3 hours, coffee holder deal. I think that the handy dandy coffee holder deal was meant for me. I found it all lonely after a wedding one weekend. It's owner was neglectful and left if behind.... I think it was fate! I can put my coffee in it.. (which, let's be honest, is a good thing) ...put on the lid...turn it upside down and nothing happens. No leaking at all. I know ... WOW!

My soon to be mother-in-law gave me a bunch of different good coffee bean flavors for Christmas. It makes waking up kind of fun because my coffee maker, which I also love, is set on a timer and has the new coffee all brewed up for me when my alarm goes off. For not being a morning person, this sure helps!

I would also like to point out because of this coffee and that my blood is now about 50% coffee... I remembered to turn the phone off of night! I ROCK!!!!

1 comment:

Karen Elizabeth said...

figured out why I had to be here at 7 am...board meeting. these people are early risers.