Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So I'm really excited...

It smells like Spring. What does Spring smell like? Like warmth. Go with me on this one. This smell excites me.

But for how much longer?

Maybe that's the wrong question. Maybe I should just be happy with what is now. I should just be happy in God showing me what's to come. Spring just always makes me excited and makes me get excited about wearing sandels, tank-tops, shorts, all those kind of summery things. Spring reminds me of new life. Yay for new life!

I'm excited for the days to get longer. For the Sun to shine longer... which ALWAYS makes me less depressed.

It's like waiting for Christmas and your present.... but only it's warmth and not snow... Easter and the Risen Christ and not His birth. I think maybe I have been spending too much time in Seminary....


Megan's Blog said...

Yeah, you probably have spent too much time at Seminary...but we love you anyway all the more. I'm loving this weather as well. We must enjoy it while we can. See you tomorrow in the am.

Megan's Blog said...

P.S. How do you change the color in the background? I've been trying to figure it out for days and can't. This is lame, I'm so technology illiterate. I'm screwed for the future.

~moe~ said...

I'm sad the warm weather is gone. Where did it go? It will come back, won't it?