Thursday, May 22, 2008


This week has been about revelations for me.

Today I realized that I love being a pastor... or at least the pastoral duties. My supervisor has been gone all week and so all of the visitations and "pastoral" duties have fallen on me. And I'm loving it! We have had a few people in the hospital so I have been there visiting, I just got called about another person who isn't a member who just got checked in. I had a bible study in a neighboring town and then worship at the nursing home. Got asked to take some communion to a homebound couple. No hymns were picked out for service and I actually was able to have input on the bulletin. It's just been a great week because all of that has fallen on me without question. One would think that this would have all been happening a lot through out the last 9 months but not really. I feel like I have been doing a more programing then Pastoring the last 9 months. It's good to be a Pastor and do Pastoral Care!

There is a lot of conflict stuff happening at the church right now, but because I'm the "intern" it really doesn't fall on me and I don't have to deal with it.

So I have all the perks right now... and none of the conflict. I know it's a selfish place to be right now but I'm okay with that. And it has allowed me to realize that
1. I don't have to take on the world and fix everything
2. I do like being a Pastor

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

I'm glad you are able to confirm that your call is real. :) You're an awesome pastor. I'm also glad people are giving you the responsibility that I know you can handle. I think they just needed to have to lean on you to realize that you are totally capable. With M there it was hard for them (and him) to step aside and see you as the pastor you are. YAY!