Saturday, February 28, 2009


I always have good ideas of things to blog about but never the time to write. When I find the time to write, I forget all of my good ideas. So today you get what is on my mind :)

Babies. More importantly my baby. I think he is starting to figure out who mom and dad are... and more importantly when he is being held by someone other than mom or dad. It just magically happened yesterday. I didn't think that was what was wrong but than today it happened again. M was holding him. Eric and I were both in the room opposite him. He looked at both of us and realized that neither of us had him, someone he didn't know did. The big fat bottom lip came out and he started to wine a little bit. We reassured him he was okay and then he seemed to be fine. That big fat bottom lip is so cute and breaks my heart all at the same time. And in this sick way it feels good that he knows us that well and we are that needed.

And he changes every day. He gets more of a personality which just melts my heart more and more. Friday morning I had him in the bathroom on the boppy pillow while I took a shower and got ready for class. I can sometimes do this so Eric and get a little extra sleep in the mornings. Eli kept making the same sounds with his mouth and than laughing at himself. Once I figured out what he was doing he got an even bigger reaction from me too. Just makes me so excited for him to get bigger and to really get to know his personality. I can't wait to see what kind of little man he is going to be and all the naughty things he will do and say.

Just a quick weight update to keep me honest. I lost another 2.5 lbs this past week. Little by little it will come off. Since January now I am down almost 10 lbs. Not as much as I would have hoped but I'm getting there. I broke down and bought a pair of normal jeans that actually zip and button up. I call them my transition jeans! :) Feels good to wear normal jeans again. Once Spring hits we will be able to get out more. My goal is to teach Eli how to eat well and more importantly how to have fun moving your body and getting exercise.


~moe~ said...

Eli is adorable...'nuf said.

Congrats on the weight loss! I was surprised a couple weeks ago when I realized I had dropped a couple too, and it continues. weird. Maybe stress, anxiety and overworking really is a good way to lose weight.

Sarah said...

Well than as the semester goes on I should be loosing a LOT of weight!