Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So tired....

Last night was not a good night for sleep. I think the little one had a tummy ache because every time I put him down to sleep he would wake-up and be kind of crabby. The other things was that he had a LOT of gas. So I tried to sleep in the chair with him last night as best we could. He would wake-up every few hours to fuss a little and then I could get him back to sleep. Needless to say, not a lot of sleep.

This is my new favorite song. It Won't Be Like This For Long. This so explains my life right now and of course the first few times I heard it I bawled. I can't wait for the nights that Eli sleeps the whole way through but at the same time I don't want to wish away this awesome time with him. I know that he won't be a baby that long and I will only have so many chances to rock him to sleep and sing to him. (Which by the way he has started singing along with me. It is WAY too cute!)

The one thing I do know. In spite of the sleepless nights I wouldn't change my life for anything. I am so thankful for every moment. I also know that just like many memories I will look back on this time and smile.

1 comment:

rachel said...

it will get better!
call if you need to chat (not that you don't have a million people to call, but i love you anyway!)