Thursday, April 26, 2007


It still makes me feel good to count down...

I have been realizing the last couple of days that I am overly stressed. It's weird how it sneaks up on you like that. I have been noticing that I am over irritable lately. I get frustrated quickly and little things that really aren't a big deal are getting to me more. At the time I know that they aren't that big of a deal but it's hard to change my reaction to them or be effected by them. This is not healthy for me nor is it healthy for others around me.

So the question is, how do I deal better. Life in ministry is going to be full of stress. Overreacting or just getting frustrated with a situation won't help anyone. I'm not sure if others have notice yet but I have noticed and I guess that's what counts.

So I think I need to come up with methods of dealing. One of those might be getting to the gym more regularly. I've been really bad at this lately again. I also think that I need to integrate some type of devotion into my mornings, get a centering point before I have to go meet the world. I need to remember to ask myself, "What am I going to do for me today? How am I going to rejuvenate?" I haven't been so good at that lately. I have once again felt the pressures of everyone else and everything else only to fall into the thoughts that I can take on the world and at the same time I can't do anything.... which oddly enough draws me into overeating so I can cope. None of which are good things...

The good thing is that I recognize the problem.. which I am told is most of the battle. So I continue to wage the war against life and it's craziness. With only 19 days of school left I will survive. I will learn. I will get my papers written. I will take time for myself. I will take time for Eric. Wedding stuff will get done after the 19 days are up. And all this will help my relationships with others.

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