Thursday, April 5, 2007



Today I was driving up the hill to work and the sun was in my eyes.. I couldn't see anything! A little dangerous, yes. But THE SUN IS OUT!

I love rain, don't get me wrong. Only because I know that it leads to new growth and life. But we need the sun to do that also. For some reason I think my moods revolve around light. I need some to be a functioning human being... not just fake light either. For real light, the big glorious sun. ahhhh the anticipation of summer and heat. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Today I drive for 4 1/2 hours again. But that's okay. I am thankful for the car to be able to take that drive. I am thankful for the second family which I will soon be married into and already feel a part of. I am thankful for the wonderful friend and finance which I am going to go visit.

Tonight and Good Friday we are going to go to my Internship Site for worship services. I am excited to have a sneak peak at what my life will be like in a few months. I am trying not to get to ahead of myself so that I can finish up what needs to be finished here first, but it's hard not to get too excited.

I'm excited for Easter.... It's my favorite season. I want it to be Easter everyday! I love the build-up... I love the walk through the season. The law.. that we do not deserve what God does for us on the cross, that we can't do anything to save ourselves, and often fall very short. The gospel... that God takes on our sin and death so that we might have his righteousness and live with Him in His Kingdom forever. How I need to be reminded and hear that everyday! Maybe even every hour...

1 comment:

Karen Elizabeth said...

Happy Pre-Easter! Have fun in Dells. I'm much more of a rain person...rain rain come back again!! The sun is too much fun. :)