26 more days till classes are done!!!!
And the countdown continues.....
I can check another thing off my list as of 9pm last night. The small catechism and the 28 articles of the Augsburg Confession. Done and Done.
I am also 3.5 lbs closer to my goal of 15 in 4 with 3 months and 28 days left.
For some reason I feel so much better when I can count down or make a list of "Things To Do." I love the feeling of crossing things off. A nerd, maybe... crazy, defiantly.
The sun is shining... people are wearing sandals... I'm not, but wish I were, later today for sure. It's warm outside. I haven't had to run the heater in a while, which saves me money. All of these things are good!
So today I thank my God. I thank Him because I once again die to self today and am raised a new in Him. I have been forgiven and loved even though I am a lost an condemned person. I am blessed that I get to hear His promise given for ME everyday.