Monday, November 3, 2008

Rainy Day Spider Solitaire

I have a new addiction....Rainy Day Spider Solitaire on iVillage games.

This is what my morning will hopefully look like:

1. 7:30-8:02am -- Online Rainy Day Spider Solitaire. I have come in and gotten a little fix. Only a half hour so that's not bad.

8:02-8:30am -- Blog and read others blogs; some where in here BS with the maintenance guys

8:30am -- Finish thoughts on sermon for class this afternoon. Remember that the sermon is only for class and it doesn't have to be perfect. This is also my last sermon for the class this year! YIPPIE!

9ish - 9:30am -- Reward myself for finishing the sermon with some Rainy Day Spider Solitaire

9:30am -- Work on homework for EBT that is due on Friday

10:30am -- Go to Gospel of John Class

12:30pm -- Come back to the infodesk to work till 3

3-5pm -- Senior Preaching Class

5pm -- Go home and take a nap! Really this is my favorite part of the day.

Quick note: Eric goes to see Keith today for a massage. I am excited to see how that goes and if he likes it. I hope he really enjoys it but the other part of me is scared that he will really enjoy it and want to go often. Who is going to pay for that?

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Well, now I know what to get you two for baby-birth and Christmas. :)

I was thinking about the maintenance guys today. Please tell Dennis hello for me...and Dave. I don't know if he remembers me. He came and I left in the space of a month. He seemed kind of upset when I did (don't tell him that).

I'm also wondering if Dana still hangs around - he's from the outside company who works on our heating? Do you remember him? Maybe ask Dennis... Just curious.