Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trying To Find Patience

Less then 24 hours before I get induced. My feelings are mixed.

Part of me has that feeling of being young again and so excited for a trip. The anticipation is starting to consume my every thought. Playing it out in my mind how things will go or won't go. What I will feel. What I will want. What the next two weeks will look like. It's funny how it's never how you pictured it, good or bad, it's always different then you expected.

The other part of me it hasn't even hit yet. Everyone around me is excited and nervous for me, but I don't feel like I can even grasp what is to come. It doesn't feel real yet.

These last few weeks I have been so ready to not be pregnant anymore. Being so uncomfortable, unable to sleep, wanting to meet the little guy. Today it feels different. This is the last time I will feel him kicking inside of me, asserting need for more room. Some how I find myself with mixed feelings now. Funny how that all changes.

Maybe it's the realization that everything changes. That you experience things in life and then you continue on because there is more to experience. Without moving on you would never experience more moments that are just as great or better.

So it's a day of mixed feelings and probably a little bit of the hormones talking. I find that I could potentially cry over anything the last couple of weeks. One thing I know is that I'm ready to be done with that feeling!

I probably won't post till the baby is here. Life will be different that is for sure. But I will keep you all updated on the joys and struggles of life with a new born.


~moe~ said...

Holy shit! You're going to be a MOM!!!!!!

That's so awesome. Thinking and praying for you. Lots of love!!!

And yes, let's get together when you're in town! I'll mark my calendar.

rachel said...

you did it!!!! :)

~moe~ said...

Congrats girl. I can't wait to see pics. Eric maybe(?) sent me one today but it didn't come through.

I'll be up December 7/8 for a massage/training appointment. Will you be working the ID that morning as usual? HAHAHA I'll call and check in.

Miss you! Hugs!