Monday, November 17, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated. I am going through spurts of needing to sleep, clean the house, make Eric move things around and hang things up. I think I am just ready for this baby to come!

With that being said, we are still waiting.

This past Wednesday's Doc. appointment we decided that if he doesn't come before Friday we are going to induce. So I am scheduled to go in at 7:30am. They will break my water and give me drugs to start labor. I am already 3cm and 70% effaced so it really should take much is what the Doctor said. Still having contractions but nothing strong enough or for long enough to get overly excited about. I feel like I am at the edge and someone just needs to push me over.

The Doctor also guessed on his weight. She thought he had hit the 8lbs mark. To that I say, "yup, time for him to come out!" It will be interesting to see how close she is to his actual weight. All I know is that he is big and I am ready to meet him.

Eric's sister and fiance are coming up on Saturday so I'm also really excited for that. It will be good to see them and for them to hang out with us in the hospital. They are really laid back but really good company. It will be really good to have them around. My parents are going to wait till next Wed. to come up so they can be up here for Thanksgiving and till Sunday. It will also be good to have family here for Thanksgiving. Eric's parents are going to try to come up next Saturday. It will be nice to have family here to help and give me a chance to get some sleep also.

So, that's about it. Every day I get a little bit more homework done and that always feels good. Eric is still working but always on baby call. He keeps telling me to stop being a baby hog. Every time I think the contractions are actually getting stronger and it might be it, he gets all excited. It's kind of cute.. okay, not just kind of but really cute! I am excited to see him be a dad.

I will try to be better about updating this week and then posting pictures when the little one actually comes.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Wow! Friday already! That's exciting! So baby Goldammer will be here Friday or Saturday depending on stubbornness of the kid. That's so exciting! YAY!