Yesterday was such a draining day I didn't even have the energy to write. I couldn't get my words to come out right, probably because my thoughts were so scattered.
Today seems to be better. Maybe because I was able to step away from the reality of a little boy, at age 2 1/2, who went home to be with his Heavenly Father. He has been sick since the day he was born but fought so hard to bring such great joy to all around him. They were told he would never walk, talk, but he did them all. It is amazing the joy that he brought into so many people's lives.
I never met him but heard great stories from his grandma who is the choir director at my home congregation in Aberdeen, SD. I remember when Kay told me that Melissa was pregnant, how excited she was at the thought of a grandchild. I also remember the updates on Ellis and how he was doing so well. It was good just to be there for the family. To celebrate his life... and celebrate his life we did. I left the funeral knowing that he will be missed, understanding the joy that he brought to family and friends, and hearing that there is hope in the resurrection. What an amazing family, how lucky they were to have him and for him to have such a wonderful family!
To see more about his life the link is
hey girl.
thanks for keeping me updated as well. i'll pray for comfort and peace for Ellis' family. and pray that you have the energy that these last few weeks of school need.
thanks for the note!
I wish I could have been there with you. I'm glad you were able to go. For those of you reading...check out Ellis' webpage and donate! Donate! Donate! caringbridge helped out my friends Kristin and Ron with their 2, count 'em, 2 boys who each were born around 26 weeks. All donations are helpful to another family in need.
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