Saturday, August 2, 2008

Packing and Things

Oh the process of packing.....

For some reason, I blame it on the baby because I can, I feel like I have been in the process of packing for a month now. And what stinks about packing for that long is that it feels like it goes on forever and ever! There are just some things you can't pack till the very end. There are still 2 weeks until we move, so to take pictures off the wall would just slow the process even more.

The last month and a half has flown by. It has gone so fast because there has been so much going on. All of a sudden all that business has come to an abrupt halt. It feels like the world has stopped turning. It's not so much the motion of not going forward but the abrupt halt that is tough to take.

In two weeks we will be moving into a new place, figuring out where our stuff goes for 9 months, figuring out life together in a place we haven't lived in together before. In 2 weeks we start to set-up baby stuff. To really prepare for this baby to come and for it to become more real then ever. In 2 weeks we wait on God's timing for Eric to find a job. Eric went up to the cities yesterday to get his name in at a place that helps find jobs for people. Now it's a waiting game. In 2 weeks life changes again....

1 comment:

Liza said...

You are moving to the cities? Where will you be living? There are lots of us there (like me, Renae, lots of us...) and we should get together! Good luck with moving. We are moving to a new place within Minneapolis on September 1st, so I understand that whole thing! And congrats on Baby!