Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Things I love

Things I love:

1. This morning.. and many mornings I am so blessed to wake up to Eli "talking" to himself in his crib. It's the best sound to wake up to. Sometimes he will just talk and talk for 15-20 minutes. It's just great. Starts my day out with a smile on my face. I also love going in there and seeing the big smile when I get him out of his crib.

2. My husband. I know it's cheesy but he has been such a rock for me the last few months. I love that we can argue about how we are going to juggle everything day to day, week to week, year to year and still laugh in the midst of it. If we can't laugh, what do we have?

3. Family. We are going out to Rapid City for Labor Day to see family. I love family!

4. The school bell that rings every few minutes (or at least it feels like it). Love it! I love that every few minutes I feel like I must get up and switch activities. Am I being trained?


I pray today that God gives me wisdom. Wisdom to remember what I know today and to remember the lessons learned in a few years. God grant me the wisdom to make better decision and to understand the here and the now.

I also pray for patience. Patience in every situation that comes my way today and the next few months.

I pray for being able to shrug things off. To not take things personally. I pray that I can let things go in one ear and out the other. The things that I don't need that is.

I pray that others around me will be understanding to each needs of others. I pray that those around me will not just hear but really listen to me and those who need to be heard. I pray that I am able to listen and that God will guide me as to my actions.

All these things and more are in my prayers today.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh yeah ...

Changed the profile a little...

... needed a little change!

Garbage .. or verbal diarrhea.. you decide

So the beat goes on... and on... and on...

Eli was 9 month on Friday. He is getting to be so big. His 9 month check ups are today and I'm excited to see how big he really is. He took his first steps about a week ago at the end of his 8 months. He can not walk half way across the room without falling on his butt. It's so great to see how excited the gets about it. He is also into just about everything he can possibly find.

We have a kitty now too. LeRoy. It's great, when LeRoy gets all sassy he goes up on two legs behind Eli and then goes in for the kill. Bats his big head with his paws and runs away. Eli just kind of looks around like.. what just happened there? And than keeps on crawling. Now before you start feeling too bad for Eli, I will assure you that the cat is pretty gracious when comes to that boy pulling on his fur, ears, tail, and trying to use him as way to stand up. It will be interesting to see what happens as they get older and Eli really starts running.

Still working on getting settled here in the big town of Hillsboro. All of the 15oo people that live here. I grew up in a town of 25,000 and always felt like that was small. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like it, just adjusting. Working on adjusting. A few weeks ago almost didn't make it to the drug store in time. I thought I was safe in going at 5:25pm. Nope.. closes at 5:30. Everything kind of shuts down around here at 7 or 8pm. I'm still use to open 24 hours a day.

Another good example of my poor planning. .... just heard the garbage people coming around the block. Don't think I missed them yet, they are doing the opposite side of the street so I hope they pick up our stuff too, or come back around. I forgot that Monday's are garbage day in town. Oops! My bad! I should probably put this into my blackberry as a reoccurring event!

And the perks you ask of living in a small town.
1. The hardware store owner brought an old fridge by for the garage so we have an extra one. Left one day to run to Fargo, came back in the evening and tada, fridge in our garage.
2. Went in to the doctor and my appointment didn't get done till almost 5:30pm (note 2 paragraphs before, it closes at 5:30) and the doctor called in my prescription to the drug store and told them I was coming so they stayed open till I got there.
3. Fish Fry. Walley Fish. On Tuesday, our anniversary. We were invited to the a local fish fry. A couple of gentleman from the congregation love to go fishing. Once they have fish stored up they have a fish fry for all to enjoy. Being the Pastor we were invited. It was so much fun and a great time to get to know people.

So I continue to learn. That I need to go to the grocery store before 7 at night. That I need to run my errands during the day. And I learn to make lists of the things I need, even when they are not empty yet, so that I can pick up things in the big cities... Fargo and Grand Forks.

And let us all pray that they come pick up my garbage!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

By Popular Demand...

.... or maybe just by one person's demand, or heckling if you will.. I'm back. (Or maybe will try to be back more often!)

Sorry it has been so long. Life has gotten away from me.

Long story short...

1. We are moved into our new place in North Dakota. They say it's not normal but it's cold here even in the summer! What am I going to do in the winter?!?!?!

2. We are finally getting things hung up on the wall in our house. Little by little. I am tackling the upstairs and will unwillingly move to the basement to get that unpacked and in order.

3. Because we have been gone so much we haven't gotten to number 2. Hopefully things will slow down for the rest of this month and I can get to number 2.

4. Working on confirmation and sunday school stuff at work. Also need to write a sermon. Any one up for writing my sermon?

5. My goal for today is to leave the office at 4pm because I need to be back here at 7pm for a board of edu meeting. I am also here tomorrow night at 7:30 for another meeting. The last couple of months I keep telling myself things will slow down next week.. or now next month... but it seems to be snow balling. How do I make it stop?

6. My husband has been awesome. He has been an excellent stay at home dad! I don't know what I would do with out him. He has a temporary job lined up helping a farmer during harvest and will continue the job hunt. It's hard to get much done though with a little stinker constantly going and going and going and going.

7. Eli is almost 9 months. Where have all those months gone?!?!?!?!

So that is a quick synopsis of life here. No promises but I will try to be better about blogging. I do enjoy it!

Monday, June 8, 2009

More To Come Soon

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. I think I have finally taken enough time off from writing papers that I feel okay with writing for fun again.

Hopefully more to come soon!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Expecations of Self

Such a good nights sleep. I took a little nap with Eli from 8:30-10pm. Then fed him and laid him down by 10:30pm. I was in bed by 11pm. He woke up at 3:30am... which means that he slept for 5 hours! Then had him back down and was in bed by 4am. Slept for another hour and a half. Got up for the day. That is like 7 hours of sleep! AMAZING!

I think part of this was because I came to a decision the previous night. I am not going to breast feed anymore, just pump. Eli isn't as interested and sometimes just gets really mad and then I get frustrated. It just isn't worth it anymore. We made it through a lot to be able to feed this long but I think all of the problems in the beginning just really started us out on a bad note. I should be thankful for the time that I did have and that he was willing to go along with it as long as he did. It's just hard because no matter what I still have to make up a bottle and feed him more. This skips a step now that I made this decision. And he seems to be happier. Once I get over my expectations of myself I realize that I am happier too. I have to just tell myself that he is still getting the benefits of it and that it might be totally different with the next one. This being a mother thing is harder mentally than I ever expected.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Totally Worth It

Life is good!

This morning before I left the house I looked over to the lazy boy chair only to see Eric and Eli sleeping together. My heart melted. Both my boys so peaceful. And the getting up every 1-2 hours last night was totally worth it!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I always have good ideas of things to blog about but never the time to write. When I find the time to write, I forget all of my good ideas. So today you get what is on my mind :)

Babies. More importantly my baby. I think he is starting to figure out who mom and dad are... and more importantly when he is being held by someone other than mom or dad. It just magically happened yesterday. I didn't think that was what was wrong but than today it happened again. M was holding him. Eric and I were both in the room opposite him. He looked at both of us and realized that neither of us had him, someone he didn't know did. The big fat bottom lip came out and he started to wine a little bit. We reassured him he was okay and then he seemed to be fine. That big fat bottom lip is so cute and breaks my heart all at the same time. And in this sick way it feels good that he knows us that well and we are that needed.

And he changes every day. He gets more of a personality which just melts my heart more and more. Friday morning I had him in the bathroom on the boppy pillow while I took a shower and got ready for class. I can sometimes do this so Eric and get a little extra sleep in the mornings. Eli kept making the same sounds with his mouth and than laughing at himself. Once I figured out what he was doing he got an even bigger reaction from me too. Just makes me so excited for him to get bigger and to really get to know his personality. I can't wait to see what kind of little man he is going to be and all the naughty things he will do and say.

Just a quick weight update to keep me honest. I lost another 2.5 lbs this past week. Little by little it will come off. Since January now I am down almost 10 lbs. Not as much as I would have hoped but I'm getting there. I broke down and bought a pair of normal jeans that actually zip and button up. I call them my transition jeans! :) Feels good to wear normal jeans again. Once Spring hits we will be able to get out more. My goal is to teach Eli how to eat well and more importantly how to have fun moving your body and getting exercise.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So tired....

Last night was not a good night for sleep. I think the little one had a tummy ache because every time I put him down to sleep he would wake-up and be kind of crabby. The other things was that he had a LOT of gas. So I tried to sleep in the chair with him last night as best we could. He would wake-up every few hours to fuss a little and then I could get him back to sleep. Needless to say, not a lot of sleep.

This is my new favorite song. It Won't Be Like This For Long. This so explains my life right now and of course the first few times I heard it I bawled. I can't wait for the nights that Eli sleeps the whole way through but at the same time I don't want to wish away this awesome time with him. I know that he won't be a baby that long and I will only have so many chances to rock him to sleep and sing to him. (Which by the way he has started singing along with me. It is WAY too cute!)

The one thing I do know. In spite of the sleepless nights I wouldn't change my life for anything. I am so thankful for every moment. I also know that just like many memories I will look back on this time and smile.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cleaning Up Life

So much to talk about.. so little time!

We had a great weekend. I love having Eric around all weekend and really getting things done around the apartment. After 2 1/2 days I finally have the place mostly clean (or at the least the main rooms) and we went on a big grocery shopping trip. I also went through stuff and did some filing with the cleaning. Little by little. I still have a to do list that I want to get accomplished this week/weekend. My parents are coming early Sat. morning so they can help take care of the baby while I get some things done. What's my to do list consist of you ask... well let me share!

1. Go through Eli's clothes and figure out what fits and what doesn't fit anymore. Start to box up clothes that are too small.
2. Box up books that I don't need for this semester. I don't have enough room to have them all on the shelf in our packed tiny tiny office.
3. Replace the open space that is made from boxing up other books with this semesters books.
4. Organize my semester. One of my FAVORITE things to do! I love to organize the semester. Figuring out when things are due. What my semester is going to consist of. What work needs to get done and what just needs to get handed in. It's the follow through and actually doing the work that stinks!
5. Turn in scholarship to Fin. Aid.
6. Turn in deferment papers for a school loan to Register's Office... last time I will be turning them in. Nice and scary all at the same time!
7. Finish transferring music from my computer to my blackberry
8. Take apart the bassinet so it can go back home with my parents
9. Go through prego clothes and figure out what I don't wear anymore and pack them up to make room for non prego clothes which I hope to fit into soonish!
8. Work out on the Wii Fit everyday doing something
* I think that's a big enough list for now

This weekend was also great because it was spent hanging out with friends. I love just being able to laugh with E and J. They are just too funny and laughing is just so good for the soul. I don't laugh that hard near enough. After hanging out with them on Sat night Eric and I went home just smiling and we were both in such a great mood. Great friends give me energy and make life better!

This morning when I came to work I checked my mail and I had recieved a package over the weekend. It is from my good friend's mom. There was a bunch of baby stuff in it for Eli. One of which was a decorated towel and wash cloth. The towel has a hooded part attached. I just LOVE that kind of stuff! I have no creativity like that so I just am so impressed by other people's gifts and thoughtfulness. He is one little spoiled guy!

Quick update:
Eric and I have decided to switch our weigh in day to Friday. We eat the most on Sunday night for the whole week, weigh in Monday morning, and then I feel like I am never really loosing any weight. Which is not true. So If we weigh in on Friday's I think I won't feel so defeated all the time. I have been really doing the Wii Fit and REALLY enjoying it. It's so easy to do in the house and I can do step areobics while watching my tv shows. I also enjoy doing the Yoka and strength trainging. It doesn't seem very hard when I am doing it but can really feel it when I am done!

So in short.... here beginnings the Spring Semester. Here's to getting my crap done so I can graduate and have a big people job!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I use to hate mornings. 9am seemed to come too early. Now I love mornings. I always wanted to love mornings and now I do!

I feel so blessed that I don't have to take Eli to a babysitter and drop him off. He is home with my husband and I don't have to worry about him. Therefore, I can enjoy every moment of Sarah time at the desk. I get to blog, which I love. I get to surf facebook and catch-up on everyone's lives. And I get to chat with friends who stop by the desk in the morning. Oh and I need to mention that I get to drink coffee.... one of my vises.

4 hours is the perfect amount of time. For the first hour and a half no one is really around. I get to live in my own head and muse around with different thoughts. Solve the worlds problems if you will.. or just mine....or at least pretend. I can come up with a game plan for the day, what really needs to get done and how I am going to accomplish it.

And then I get to go home to my amazing little boy. This morning he was just hanging out in his crib for a good half hour. At first he was watching the mobile but then the batteries went so he just looked around for a while. What a great little guy!

So for now I enjoy my mornings. I enjoy my Sarah time and the precious time that I get with my family and friends. Who would have every thought I would be so excited about being up at 5am!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Weight Loss Update

One last thing for the day.

Today is weigh in day. To keep me honest I should blog about it quick. I lost a pound this week. So because I gained last week I am back to where I started 3 weeks ago. So a little frustrating but I just have to keep telling myself I did loose this week and I just need to keep working at it. All is not lost. I have done this before and I will do it again.

A self realization yesterday was that I will always struggle with this. It's not going to be something I conquer and can stop thinking about. It will always be a struggle and something I need to work on.

So I take a moment to lament about that. To feel bad for myself and wish that it was different. And then I get down to business and work on it. Do what I need to do to be healthy and keep myself in check.

Wii Fit

Eric knows how much I am struggling with finding a way to get exercise in and still get sleep. We had looked around for a Wii Fit. The guy at Best Buy told me that they were getting some in yesterday morning so I rushed over there to check it out when they opened. No go. Some worker I talked to told me that they don't really ever get any in and if they would it would be advertised in the paper a head of time. Bummer!

Last night Eric was on the computer and happened to stumble upon one on Amazon so he bought it for me. What a wonderful husband. It will just be another thing in my arsenal of ways to loose some weight. On my walks up the hill in the morning I get more and more excited for the days to come when I can go out walking with Eli in the stroller. They are coming soon and we are getting closer every day! I just also LOVE summer!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spending Money

Sitting at the desk again so I thought this would be a good time to blog quick.

Nothing too much new in our area of the world.

Yesterday the stars aligned and we bought a new tv. It was a really good deal and I think Sony is trying to phase out their 42" tvs. So we bought one. Eric is one happy dude and is VERY excited for the Superbowl this afternoon. I had picked up some 3-D glasses to view the commercial that is happening right before halftime. I was super excited about them when I got home. Who wouldn't be! Eric pointed out that I was more excited about the FREE 3-D glasses than the fact that we just bought a new tv. Huh... I guess I am easily entertained. Not always a bad thing.

Eli continues to grow and get more entertaining daily. I enjoy being a mother more daily. I feel really blessed by what God has given us. I wouldn't change my life for anything.

Still working on getting on track with the weight thing. Last week I gained... how sad! But this week I am loosing it and I feel better about weighing in on Monday. It's just a little more difficult because I know I need to eat a certain amount because I'm breastfeeding. I am also still trying to figure out how to get exercise in. The Dance Dance Revolution idea isn't working so well. I started doing Pilates now. 30 minutes really works and I can feel it. I figure it will also help me to reshape my abs and get my posture back.. or maybe get good posture for the first time.

My friend K came over last night. It was really good to see her for a little bit and catch-up. She is really struggling with something in her life right now and it was good to just listen for a while. I pray for her and hope that everything works out. It always sucks when the carpet gets pulled out from underneath you. Eric brought Sushi home and the three of us enjoyed it throughly. It was just good to hang out and catch up again. I just love having people over at our place.

Otherwise I am just enjoying the weekend and enjoying Eric being home. It's always good to hang out.

Peace Out till next time.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Eli is 2 months already!

If you have read Wed. post I would like to let you all know that I did get a little nap it AND I accomplished everything on my "to do" list. I love those days!

Yesterday Eli had his 2 month shots. He did really well and just cried when she started. I think it took him a few seconds to realize what was going on. Overall he didn't freak out too much. We have been giving him infant Tylenol and that seems to be helping too. He is now:
11.11 lbs (55 percentile for his age)
21.5 inches long (10 percentile for his age but the doctor said he will catch up, I'm not too worried about it yet.)

I was able to get the car cleaned quickly yesterday too since it was so nice outside. It was good to get all that salt off the car and see it sparkle again. Eli was crying before we went into the car wash but once we were in there he really seemed to like all the noises and the brushes going over the car. It will be fun to go through a car wash as he gets older.

It's finally Friday! I'm kind of excited about that. Not that I have any big weekend plans but it's just nice to have Eric home all day and to spend time with him too. I am also done with my bible study for my Gen to Rev class. I am homework free again for another couple of weeks. I am working on reading the book "The Shack." So far so good. REALLY sad but good. I will let you know what I think at the end. I honestly have so many books on my list that I want to read. Some day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Question for the Day

Why is it that when I sit in the chair at the infodesk... pull it up to the desk and get ready for a good morning of surfing the internet... I feel the need to put my seat belt on? Figure that one out!

This morning was a pretty productive morning. I woke up at 5:30am. Showered quick. Eli woke up around 6 to eat. I fed him and got him back down by 6:30. Finished getting ready and was out the door by 7:15am. I even had chance to shovel some cereal in this morning. I left the house with two boys each sleeping in their own beds. Most of the time I leave them sleeping in the chair. I hope Eric was able to get some sleep in before the little one woke.

Today I have a lot to get done and of course have a list:
1. Finish Bible Study
2. Come up to campus to print off
3. Buy stamps for us and for the infodesk
4. Mail letters
5. Call Fairview
6. Call insurance company... they finally got Eli's insurance cards to me but they spelled our last name wrong. Grrrr!! I feel like I need to do everyone's job for them!
7. Fax Eli's insurance info to different doctor's offices

I think that's it. Somewhere in there I would LOVE to take a nap! We will see if that happens.

Oh yeah and update on the weight loss thing. I did pretty good this week. I lost 2.5 lbs. Not bad. I'm tryting to figure out how much I need to eat because I'm breastfeeding but also not trying to over eat. I figure with the breastfeeding thing this will be the easiest time for me to loose weight since it allows me to eat more. It's kind of nice to keep track and to know that I am loosing the weight and it helps me to feel better in the midst of still not fitting into my jeans yet.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Update and Goal for the New Year

So much to do in my 4 hours at the infodesk... so little time!

So I thought I would spend some of that time blogging. It's been a while. Few key things that have happened since the last blog:

1. Christmas that the Hartung household -- it was a good time had by all. Hard to catch up with everyone but we tried.

2. Eli's baptism the weekend after Christmas 12/28. It was great to have family around and to see him get baptized. I might have started to tear up a little.

3. The mom came up to stay with us for a few days the week after Christmas. We took her back to South Dakota with us when we headed out again to the Mitchell/Sioux Falls area. It was great to have her around and nice to have the help. It felt like the time went by so fast. Makes me wish we were closer!

4. Christmas at the Goldammer's in Ethan, SD was celebrated the first weekend in Jan. It was really good to have everyone home. All day Saturday we hung out and didn't make it anywhere because of the snow. It was actually really nice just to stay in all day.

5. Sunday Jan. 4th we took off and headed to Sioux Falls for a few hours. I had my approval interview. I was approved. YAY! Then we had pizza with some friends really quick and took off back to the Cities. I wish we would have had more time to see more people. Maybe in the next visit. It was good just to be able to see the few we got to see.

6. I started a J-term class. Genesis to Revelation. It's 2 weeks, the whole bible. It's in the afternoon so Eli has been going with me. He seems to really like it and so far has learned most ofthe Old Testament. This week we are on to the New Testament.

So that's pretty much the catch-up.

Before you read the next paragraph I would like to start out by saying.. I don't like New Years Resolutions and this is not one of them. It's just time to start loosing some of the baby fat and trying to fit into my non-prego pants again.

Today starts the Eric and Sarah weight loss program. It's going to be awesome! Our goal is to lose weight. I know.. pretty obvious. We want to lose 50 lbs between the two of us by C and A's Wedding July 10th. I want to loose the majority of those lbs. 35-40 lbs would be awesome! It will just be nice to have Eric on board to eat better with me. For me to loose the 35-40 lbs by July 1oth I will have to loose an average of 1-2lbs a week. That is pretty easy to do. I was really struggling with how to get exercise in these next few months when it is too cold to take the Eli for a walk outside. I originally was not walking up the hill for work because of the shoes I wear up here, butI have now decided just to pack dress shoes and wear my tenni runners up the hill. Even that 10 minutes up and 10 minutes down 3 times a week will help this month. I will probably have to renegotiate that in Feb. once classes start up again.

Working at the desk again I am gong to try to be better about blogging. With that being said... off to get some more of my me time in!