Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Am I that way?

I'm done with my last contextual education meeting of my life. Done and Done.... but not without a lot of pain first.

It had to be the worst meeting EVER. It was 4 pastors sitting around talking about their programs for the homeless and how wonderful they are. Throwing around statistics, talking about Africa and the problems. Amazingly most of them didn't even take a breath in between sentences, I think mainly so that no one could interrupt them so they could hear their own voice.

What I learned from today is that I don't want to be like that... it's not for me. To watch those pastors act that way made me ashamed. It even turned me off from being a pastor, taking that title. They talk about others but are so focused in on themselves.

Am I that way? I kind of feel that way right now. I have so many obligations that I feel like either I don't have time and/or others have to work around me. Maybe it's just the end of the school year thing, maybe it's the wedding, maybe...

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

You are SO not that way.