Sunday, May 6, 2007


Opened the OCC at 10:30am

At 12:09pm what's happen so far is:

- ZERO phone calls
-One guy taking a picture of the Narthex
-One family of people (old people) came in and video taped commons area
-one housekeeping person
-4 pages of a paper written and I got payed for it

Yup.. that's it....
Good thing EMS had stuff booked in it that no one showed up for and I had to be here at 10:30.... I love communication, I just wish more people did it!

That's all.. carry on

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Ah the infamous days when EMS is booked but no one says anything. Hmmm....I'd say I missed those days but I really don't.