I'm so tired of this job at the information desk right now. I'm tired of this school.... I'm tired of all the bs that goes on here.
I'm tired of being the information desk, but not having the information to do my job. But expecting to have it. I'm tired of always being around people, I find myself not wanting to hang out with people after I have sat at the desk all day.
I have had people here crying because they are going to miss people who are leaving on internship. The... what could have been blues. Which just makes me want to cry also because of the poopy day.
Just as I was totally down and wanting to cry myself, I just got the best compliment. Someone came up and told me that I look like a girl on a tv show, who I think is very good looking. On Brothers and sisters the sister they didn't know they had.
3.5 more hours here at the desk and then I can go curl up and not deal with people for the night. What a mostly sucky day! What was I thinking when I scheduled myself to work everyday. Granted the money will be nice and I will have a long break, probably complaining because I'm bored, but I just need a little break. To get away from school and this community for a while.
Maybe I'm just itching for a change in pace. Different scenery. The summer has always been a time of change for me. I just haven't felt the change yet except the packing part. I can feel it on the horizon but I can't quite grasp it yet. Soon and very soon I suppose.
Oh honey...I feel your pain. People used to think I was such a beeatch because I didn't want to go out on weekends or weeknights to drink or party or whatnot, but I felt just as you did today - people drove me nuts.
And it's okay. People have a tendency to drive cool people like you and me nuts. And those who have never worked at the ID just don't understand what it's like to have to sit and deal with non-stop idiotic traffic and that being away from people for awhile is just a good thing.
By the way - you're beautiful! I can't wait to see you next week! WOOHOO!
Thank you.. I needed that pep talk!
I am really looking forward to seeing you too!
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