Friday, September 26, 2008


I was just looking for a wedding sermon on my USB drive and I came across some photos that we took on our honeymoon and a few days after. I found myself wanting to go back to those moments. I want to go back to them more now then when I was actually living them.

Maybe it's the remembrance of no cares. Maybe it is the remembrance of the feeling of simplicity and a new beginning. Not that I haven't had great times in the last year, but I just want to go back there for a few minutes. Or maybe I want to go back and watch us from afar.

As I look back on some of those times I wonder if I will go back a year from now and want this time back. We are in such a life changing moment. We are young, struggling through life, making our way, making our family, and figuring out what that all means. In a month and a half we will welcome or first child into the world and begin another life giving moment in our lives. The beginning of another new start, a new beginning.

So I guess the question that is rolling through my head is... how do we really enjoy the moment? How do we fully live and experience the moment instead of always on our way to the next thing?

So with that I will share a few of the pictures of a year ago that have made me feel so nostalgic.
Our little buggy ride around Duluth when the fog was so thick we could barely see anything.

Boat ride on Lake Superior

At our friend Mary's parent's cabin near Brainard, MN. We stopped there to play on the water and to spend some time with Mary before we headed to another wedding.

1 comment:

rachel said...

people always say to 'live in the moment', but i haven't figured it out yet either... i'm always thinking of what's next and where i've been. so i guess i don't really know either. :)