Saturday, September 27, 2008



How does on have patience?

Where does it come from? Can I go buy some? Is it learned? Can you ever have enough patience?

These are all the questions going through my head right after the creepy Saturday guy just left the campus center. (Moe, you know who I'm talking about!) He's not all there, loves to talk religion, but not normal religion. He has picked up random evangelical, everyone is going to hell, things throughout his life. His latest thing is to say that his friend told him nothing good comes from the Seminary... I just want to yell "THAN GO AWAY!" He wants to tell me that everyone is atheist because no one wants to talk religion with him. That's because he is so creepy and gets all fired up by anything you say to him. I finally had to ask him to lower his voice. And all I was saying back to him was "uh huh." I am almost a pastor and don't want to talk religion with him.... does that make me atheist? As he was standing here talking I know I don't want to worship the God that he is selling.

I think the worst is that I am confined to being behind the desk. I feel like a trapped rat having to listen to the crazy guy. I hate that feeling. And I don't think it helps that he is standing up over me and I am sitting down. It's amazing how body language and positioning really plays a factor into how we feel and communication. I also know that if I would get super annoyed that I would just have to walk away and just leave the desk and let the phone ringing. Somewhere I was taught not to resort to violence, should probably stick to that at the Seminary.

The other thought going through my head was... God loves him. God made him. He might be off in left field but God still cares for him. Normally this helps me to put things in a new light and be less annoyed, to have more patience. Nope, not working so much.

So I guess where I am going is... I need to learn not to schedule myself for Saturdays.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

OH!!! Creepy Saturday Guy. I haven't thought about him in a long time. I'm so sorry.

First thought - when he comes and "stands over you" (I hated this feeling...and I always lowered the chair because I hated hitting my knees on the desk)...STAND UP. Confront him.

Second thought...stemming from the top one. It might not work but if you say to him, "Sorry. But you have your feelings about religion and i have mine. These don't seem to mesh, nor will they. I have work to do here and i need to concentrate. You need to step away. Thank you." And stare him down until he leaves. He'll fight, I'm sure, not physically, but he'll fight... but continue strongly to state, "Our conversation has ended. You need to step away. Thank you." Hopefully he'll figure it out and leave.

I think he's in the similar world as Jeff, if I remember correctly. His is just a little different.

I'll have to add the InfoDesk worker to my prayer list for Saturdays. :)