Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weekend Catch-up

Thought I would post quick before I started on the homework.

First thought of the day...
- I always feel like I need to seat belt myself in while sitting in the chair at the infodesk. Why?

Second thought...
This weekend was really good and relaxing. By weekend I mean Friday-Saturday. Friday we went to our first doctors appointment with Dr. Baker. I was kind of nervous, not really sure what to expect. Ended up being really good. I feel really relaxed about things and even more excited. She started to talk about some of the things that we will talk more about in the next few visits. More stuff on how I will know that I am going into labor, counting how many times the baby kicks in a hour. Things of those nature. It makes me excited and even more ready to have this baby. Today is the beginning of 29 weeks. 29 weeks and 1 day to be exact. Crazy how fast it's gone really. I have to get on the ball and sign us up for birthing classes. Oh and the doctors office gave us a free diaper bag. We already have one but it's nice to know that if something would happen we have a spare. Maybe I can just keep it in the car or something for a just in case.

Friday night we watched this crazy mini series on ABC Family called Samurai Girl. It's actually pretty good and of course now we are addicted. I think tonight might be the last part of the series. Along with watching Samurai Girl we also played Cribbage. Thanks Moe! Eric bought me a board for part of my birthday present and so we played a couple games. I won the first and he won the second. I'm getting the hang of it more and more. Learning how to count everything right and all the rules.

Saturday some friends of ours were in town. Really good to see them and catch-up. We met up at Ikea and then headed down to the Renaissance Festival. It was a lot of fun and we catch some good shows. I had never been there and always wanted to check it out. I figured since we won't always live this close we should probably go. After sitting through the traffic to get out we grabbed some supper at 9pm at Perkins. It was nice to just sit there and be the two of us later at night. Once we got home we figured out that we missed part 3 of the Samurai Girl mini series but got caught up with part 4.

And that leaves us at today. Eric is enjoying himself watching football all day and I am working. It's the first day of the season so he is pretty pumped. I'll get my husband back sometime after the superbowl.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

YAY for Cribbage! That's so awesome! I'm glad you're getting addicted to that game too. I almost watched Samurai Girl too, but decided I'd better not since I'm already addicted to so many.

I'm glad your new doctor is going to work out well. That's great. I'll try my best to take care of your old doctor while you're gone. Speaking of...can you email me directions of how to find where she works? That insanely large building is really intimidating to a small town girl like me. :) Thx.