Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday Rambling

So I had a dream last night that I met the New Kids on The Block. I know.. weird. They were really nice in my dream and I was really excited to meet them. Who knew I cared so much????
Also, earlier in the evening when I took a little snoozer (that's fancy for nap), I had a dream that I was solving a murder mystery. Kind of like I was on NCIS or CSI. I think it had to do with some baseball thing or situation. (once again why baseball) I was all super detective person and solving the case one fact at a time. I also was making up the dream as I went, so I'm not sure if I was creating a tv show or solving a crime. I think this means that I have watched too much TV. Yup, pretty sure that's what that means. They have been having NCIS marathons from 4-7 every night on USA. I can't help myself. I have to have it on while I am making supper and I have to watch NCIS and CSI in the evenings. Us having DVR has not helped either because I can just record it and watch it later if need be. I wonder if there are any support groups for those who have murder mystery issues?

This morning I was walking into the campus center to work and it was kind of dark still. I thought I saw something playing or moving around on the yard. Then I decided that maybe I was just making things up so I kept walking. All of a sudden out of no where I was attacked. BY BIRDS! I have always thought that the squirrels around campus are plotting against the people but never the birds. Those sneaky birds. Two of them flew up out of no where and dive bombed me. I think I even let out a little screetch. It was great.

Today we have a doctors appointment at 2:10. Yay for peeing in a cup! The goal this appointment is to have maintained my blood pressure of for it to have even come down a little. Now that midterm stuff is over I'm hoping this is the case. I have already tried restricting some of my own activity and not adding to what I need to do. I would rahter restrict my own stuff a little then the doctor restricting it for me. Yesterday I took the whole afternoon off after my massage and just relaxed. I sat in the recliner as much as possible and elevated my feet. I can tell as the days go by it's harder to get the fluid out of my legs. Although I still can't complain because I haven't had as much trouble as a lot of women. Eric still thinks that his wishful thinking will bring the baby here on Friday. He is getting anxious for the little guy to be here.

So here is my goal for the day. My "to do list" if you will:
1. Write my final reflection paper that no one know how long it is suppose to be for OT class. (sometimes not having a specific number of pages that you have to write is freeing.... other times it's just annoying!)
2. Finish my online bible study for the Gospel of John.
3. Stop drinking the juice that gives me bad heart burn (I made some juice last night. It sounded great when I pulled it out of the freezer.. something about cherry, grape, and apple caught my eye. Sounded like a wonderful idea when I made it. The first glass was good around 8pm so at 11pm right before I went to bed I decided that a 2nd glass would be even better. I woke up around 1am and had the worst heart burn. It felt like my esophogus was on fire. I took some tums and drank a little 2% milk. Went back to bed, right after I went to the bathroom of course. This morning I thought that maybe it was because I drank the juice and then layed down that caused the problem. Just kidding. It's the juice. I drank some this morning again and I think that I now have a hole in my esophogus. Note to self: make Eric drink the rest of the juice.)

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