Thursday, October 23, 2008


Today has been a good day. I slept in till 8:30. Did the dishes while making blueberry pancakes.. Yum! I didn't have to be to work till 12:30 so I was able to just relax and get ready slowly. Oh did I mention that I didn't have class today either? Well that we pretty great also. It's been a good day to get caught-up on life, rest, and homework. I have a little bit more to do for class tomorrow but that shouldn't be too painful. I just have to write about my feelings for a few pages.

The family is coming tomorrow. By family I mean my parents, sister-in-law and niece. I am super excited to have them around and to be here for the babyshower on Saturday. It will be good to see them before the baby gets here, especially since we can't go home fore Thanksgiving. Yeah you noticed that my brother wasn't in that list. That's because he is going hunting. I know where his priorities are now. :) He really doesn't like the Cities so that is fine with me, we will see him at Christmas. Eric's mom and sister are also coming Saturday for the shower. I know that it means a ton to Eric that they will be here and it will be so good to see them too! It's really awesome that they are driving up for the day.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

I can't make it sweetie. I have drill this weekend. I'll be thinking of you though! Miss you!